Location: Ekaterina Nencheva Str., Sofia
Status: Building Permit, 2023
Client: Uchilishtni Imoti
Plot area: 3.600m²
Total Built-up area: 5.800m²
The building is designed for a private school, which includes Elementary school, Lower Secondary School, International General Certificate of Secondary Education and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The general spatial organization is clear and easy to orientate. 36 classrooms, workshop areas, a library, dance studio, canteen and other activities are situated on 4 floors. The rooms are organized around a vast well-lit couloir with many informal seating areas. The classrooms are oriented to the South, all the offices face the street to the North. The dimensions of the classrooms allow for various layouts and flexible furniture arrangement. All parts of the building are accessible for people with disabilities. There is a big multifunctional hall with a separate entrance, which can be also used by people from the neighborhood. A large open-air playground and recreation facilities are situated in the school yard.